Berlin 93
Hardtek / Hardfloor
Label : Expressillon
Artists : R-zac
Techno / acid
Composed in 1993 in a truck transformed into mobile studio stationed in a devastated Berliner industrial park that one named ` Check Point Charlie', these recordings represent one time of autonomy during one period of chaos.
The speed of the pieces comes owing to the fact that it was necessary to finish some as fast as possible because, being connected has an electric source pirates which was has one kilometer of the site with only one cable serving the alternate village, it was impossible to envisage the interruptions of current - Save every three minutes was required ...
This disc it is the history of Berlin with its afflicted landscapes, its military aircrafts and its forgotten missiles of the Russian army, where the urban tribes gather in warehouses given up to celebrate the little of peace which remains on planet...
A1. nazi europe fuck off - R-zac
A2. 23hr 23min - R-zac
B1. boom shanka - R-zac
B2. boom shiva - R-zac