Fenek Black Edition 02
Techno / Electro
Label : Fenek
Artists : L Industrie Du Silence - Matt Fraktal
150 copies Ltd / Serygraphied Sleeve.
A side offers a long intro for a mental techno unit... Bass are just genereous and it's a sound system tune. A bath af bass really...
Opening then on a banging minimal eleectro techno surprise. Then comes B-side with 2 kind of bootleg discret paty time tracks from the dark age of techno...
Splendid and well, once again very unexpected.
The musician, Matt Fraktal delivers here his first Techno tunes on wax... after serval realese on digital and some live sets in France.
Precious EP builded up during one year of discution, selection, artworking.... Enjoy !
A - L'industrie Du Silence - Angoisse
B1 - L'industrie Du Silence - Personnal J
B2 - L'industrie Du Silence - le Méchanisme (Warehouse mix)