ISM 02
Jump up
Label : Industry Standard Musik
Artists : Drum Addict
'Hello, my name is Industry Standard Musik and I'm a drum addict at least that's what this fresh-faced label would say if it were in a 12 step rehab program. Fortunately for you, life is not that strange and record labels are not forced into detox. Having said all that, Drum Addict has provided Industry Standard with some pretty intoxicating beats here, with 'Pump' providing all the punch of a heavyweight prize fighter, smacking down the dance with little remorse to show for its actions. On the flip 'Walk' provides plenty more moving beats and bass for your money. Now, all you drum addicts out there, don't be jacking yourself up on sugary drinks and mugging pensioners to get your hands on a copy of this 12'.
A. Pump - Drum Addict
B. Walk -Drum Addict