Label : Kraken Krew
Artists : Konik - Leeroy - Scott Kemix - Sub Division - Thieums Dklé - Yoshiro
LIMITED edtion album from the KRAKEN KREW ! Gatefold, Varnish PRINTED sleeve, Doble pack. A double pack Gatefold full of photos and hight quality printed sleeves. Sealed. Music is about Techno to hardcore... Little by little all along the record you'll get a harder sound... the whole thing is quiet oldschool, but really in a particular way... like rare styles. This is an anniversary LP collab'. A superb Item... And a bloody fat sound (cut &Mastering) : all in one it's aunique piece. A very beautiful project. ENJOY !
HK-A01-Keep It Gangsta - Sub Division
HK-A02-Brainskan - Leeroy
HK-B01-Remote Bretell -Leeroy
HK-B02-Apocalyps - Leeroy
TK-A01-Kraken Anthem - Konik Ft Yoshi
TK-A02-Kraken's Walk - Kemi
TK-B01-ShErKaN - Thieum Dkle
TK-B02-KaPeLTeK - Kemi