Red Spider 03
Drum n Bass
Label : Infrared
Artists : J majik - Wickaman
When J.Majik and Wickaman team up to re-rub one of the former's biggest tunes for their brand new album project, you know it's either going to be something special or it's all going to go horribly wrong!
Fortunately enough I can tell you that not only have they managed to bring one of my favourite tunes bang up to date, with a slight nip here and a slight tuck there, but they've also managed to back it with another sublime slice of electronic funk in the form of 'Nebula'.
If you were a fan of the original then picking up this new version is essential, if you weren't a fan of the original then perhaps you'd be better off spending your time growing some new ears.
A. Space Invasion - J Majik / Wickaman
B. Manilla Cream - J Majik / Wickaman