Son 2 Teuf 05
Techno / Electro
Hard tekno
Label : Son 2 Teuf
Artists : Actinid - Buzuc - Dasoon - Lowpsy
Users of the S2T site did vote !! And the result is this EP, bringing the 4 best techno tunes among all the users of S2T... The result is a quiet old school techno/Hard Techno EP.
Opening with Buzuc and his no-reverb kick, surrounded by some discret electro starters and a fat claphand... Simple and efficient. Second tune, from Lowpsy is my fave her...A south vibe, light kick and acid textures. Little techno in the vibe of the Energizer : yes, this is the south ! No doubt !! Dasoon bring the B1 : a will of dancefloor, kicking and a bit electro, but still very progressive and sober... Hard Techno stuff. Last track, from Actinid is a tribal transecore frontier tekhouse little thing, more classic and international in the sound, well done.
A1. Buzuc - Once Up Sound
A2. Lowpsy - Le Son Du Sud
B1. D@Soon - Trackerz
B2. Actinid - Brest Techno City