AOCC Records 01
Label : AOCC Records
Artistes : Asmatik
LTD 150 - Printed Sleeve With a quiet Hardcore "classic" first track, one could believe it's gonna be just a "classic hardcore records" :) But as the visual of the sleeve announce it.. .it'sa bit more than that. The Dunwish, the second track, already annonce something deifferent. Reminding me the old B.E.A.S.T. records... More Industrialand speedcore. The flip opens with an even harder "Perfect Storie", including some windows bug samples ^^ just before the last tune, a little 2 minutes interlude call murder prepare you "to the end" :CYBORG. the last track, a unique ultra speedcore kicker here : clear crazy thing. "Cyborg can dance at this speed ?" Enjoy !