Narcosis 10
Label : Narcosis
Artistes : Acidolido - Collision - Emetic - Jaquarius - Mantrum - Minus Polaris - Mr Gasmask - Scandal Orchestra - Sevenum Six - Shmirlap
Format : 2X12"
Superb Gatefold printed sleeve... Conceptual inside brain travel... To express the mental acid sounds to check...
First track announces the style with a long Break intro... mental tune... Superb ambiances... very Cinetic and good to mix. Second track goes 128 BPM acid progressive techno... Excellent Dj tool at a rare speed... flirting with the Trance. Last track of the A side grow the speed up to 150 BPM with a long break intro tunring after a while more/less 4/4... The sound is very acid and industrial. A big tune ! B side goes up to 160 BPM : Minimal acid sound. …And finishes in a dark 170 BPM progressive acid track. Mentalcore aera starts here.... Second record opens with a 146 BPM techno mental acid stabilizer. Deep. Second track is mentalcore big acid overdrive dancefloor pearl from Mr Gasmask ! Last Track of C side from Emetic is a Hardcore splendid exciting tune... maybe the best of this record. Quiet minimal and banging at 170 BPM it reminds the A*Symetric Spivey style:) … Last side, opens with Minus Polaris and a pure mental acid grower ? Last tune of this jewel is from Scandal Orchestra, a Hardcore frontier Hardtek acid track in the classic french good vibe style... Enjoy !
A1 –Mantrum Unclear Ascension
A2 –Sevenum Six* Choose Wrong
A3 –Acidolido U-boot
B1 –Collision (6) Medicine Man
B2 –Shmirlap Hurricane Warning
C1 –Jaquarius Les Dents Noires
C2 –Mr. Gasmask Avfall
C3 –Emetic See No Bytes
D1 –Minus Polaris Nucleus Splitting
D2 –Scandal Orchestra Liveset Extract